The library also acquires material for its collections in the form of donations of individual documents or entire collections.

Donations are encouraged and accepted when it is assessed that their acquisition is consistent with the nature and purposes of the library, enriches and completes existing collections or serves to fill gaps in collections.

In the case of funds with particular characteristics and of particular value, agreements may be concluded with the donor, setting out in detail the conditions for their preservation and use.

Gifts that are not related or in opposition to the collections and purposes of the library may be rejected and allocated to other public libraries’ collections.

Editions already owned, will be accepted only if they are functional to particular needs of use and conservation.

The library will not accept any articles from previous publications, photocopied documents, or self-produced CD-ROMs.

Donations of collections that lack periodicals and other serial documentary materials will not be accepted. The library has the right to acquire missing dossier from serial publications in order to complete its collections, and to choose them from collections offered as gifts.

The bibliographical units received as gifts and acquired by the library become unclaimed assets of the State and cannot be claimed by the donor.

Readers are encouraged to express wishes and opinions, in order to acquire useful information about needs and preferences.

The library will carefully examine each suggestion, and will reserve the most discretion in accommodating those that are in line with the general policy of development of the collections, the thematic address of the collections, and the availability of financial resources and space.

Every donation proposal must be sent to the library exclusively by email to, indicating for each volume author, title, year of publication and publisher.

The library reserves the right not to acquire in its collections the library material delivered by hand or sent by post in the absence of prior agreements with the Institute.